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Carlos Pereira
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Carlos Pereira. Revision: v1.0.0. Retrieved from: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/v1
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Ontology Specification Draft


This is a placeholder text for the abstract. The abstract should contain a couple of sentences summarizing the ontology and its purpose.

Introduction back to ToC

This is a place holder text for the introduction. The introduction should briefly describe the ontology, its motivation, state of the art and goals.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document
[Ontology NS Prefix]<http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom>

Ontology for Energy Communities: Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Annotation Properties

Named Individuals

Ontology for Energy Communities: Description back to ToC

This is a placeholder text for the description of your ontology. The description should include an explanation and a diagram explaining how the classes are related, examples of usage, etc.

Cross-reference for Ontology for Energy Communities classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by Ontology for Energy Communities.


Agentc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Agent

Autonomous entity or actor that interacts within the community’s energy system. These agents can represent various stakeholders, such as consumers, producers, regulators, or market participants.
has sub-classes
Aggregator c, DSO c, Member c

Aggregatorc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Aggregator

An aggregator within an energy community acts as an intermediary that bundles, manages, and optimizes distributed energy resources (DERs) from various participants.
has super-classes
Agent c
is in domain of
energy Sold op
is in range of
energy Consumed op, energy Purchased op

Batteryc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Battery

A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy
has super-classes
Device c
has sub-classes
Battery Storage c
is in domain of
energy Charged dp, energy Content dp, energy Discharged dp, energy Generated op, has Shared Battery dp, has Storage Capacity dp

Battery Storagec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/BatteryStorage

has super-classes
Battery c
is in domain of
charge Discharge Rate dp, has Charging Efficiency dp, has Discharging Efficiency dp, max State of Charge dp, min State of Charge dp

Buildingc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Building

A building is a physical structure within an energy communityy. Buildings can be residential (e.g., houses, apartments), commercial (e.g., offices, retail), or industrial (e.g., factories).

Business Modelc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/BusinessModel

has super-classes
Optimization Function c
has members
all Market ni, allocated ni
is disjoint with
Market Mechanism c, Objective Function c, Price Mechanism c

Computation Functionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/ComputationFunction

Represents a specific type of procedure or routine that performs a particular computation algorithm or method.
has super-classes
Function c

Consumerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Consumer

has super-classes
Member c
is in domain of
energy Consumed op

Contractc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Contract

Contract between a memmer of the community and a DSO or Aggregator.
has sub-classes
Contracted Power c

Contracted Powerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/ContractedPower

Represents the agreed-upon power capacity that an entity is allowed to consume from its energy supplier. It includes information about the maximum power limit, the time period for which the contract is valid, and other relevant terms.
has super-classes
Contract c
is in domain of
has Contracted Power op
is in range of
has Contracted Power op
has members
1.15 kW ni, 10.35 kW ni, 13.8 kW ni, 17.25 kW ni, 2.3 kW ni, 20.7 kW ni, 27.6 kW ni, 3.45 kW ni, 34.5 kW ni, 4.6 kW ni, 41.4 kW ni, 5.75 kW ni, 6.9 kW ni

Costc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Cost

Represents a financial expense associated with a specific component or activity within an energy community.

Data Pointc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/DataPoint

Represents a single observation or measurement in a dataset. It may contain various properties such as values, timestamps, and associated metadata.
has super-classes
Measurement c
has sub-classes
Time Series c

Devicec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Device

Any tangible or intangible resource that contributes to the community’s energy objectives. These devices include any physical infrastructure (e.g., solar panels, wind turbines, batteries).
has sub-classes
Battery c, EV Charger c, Meter c, PV Panel c, Sensor c, Wind Generator c
is in domain of
has Ownership Percentage dp

Device Functionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/DeviceFunction

Represents a specific functionality or set of operations that a device is designed to perform.
has super-classes
Function c

DSOc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/DSO

A DSO is an entity responsible for operating, maintaining, and optimizing the local electricity and gas distribution networks. Their primary focus is on the low and medium voltage electricity grids and the corresponding gas networks.
has super-classes
Agent c
is in domain of
energy Sold op
is in range of
energy Consumed op, energy Purchased op

DSO Smart Meterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/DSOSmartMeter

A DSO smart meter is a part of a consumer-centric digitalized energy system. It provides real-time and automatic data on energy consumption, enabling users to track their usage and make better energy-related decisions
has super-classes
Meter c
is in domain of
has Contracted Power op

Energyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Energy

Fundamental quantity that represents the capacity to do work or cause change. In the context of energy systems, it is often measured in watt-hours (Wh).
has super-classes
Property c
is disjoint with
Occupancy c, Power c, Price c, Temperature c

Energy Communityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/EnergyCommunity

A specialized class representing a collaborative group or network of entities, such as households, businesses, or local organizations, that collectively engage in energy-related activities. These activities may include energy production, consumption, distribution, and management within a specific geographical area or shared infrastructure. Energy communities aim to enhance energy efficiency, promote renewable energy adoption, and foster sustainable practices.
is in domain of
has Business Model op, has Latitude dp, has Longitude dp, has Minimum Members dp, has Radius dp, installed PV Power dp, installed Storage Capacity dp, max New PV Power dp, max New Storage Capacity dp, min New PV Power dp, min New Storage Capacity dp, total Storage Capacity dp

EV Chargerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/EVCharger

An EVCharger (Electric Vehicle Charger) is a device used to supply electrical energy to electric vehicles (EVs). It typically consists of a power outlet and a control unit that manages the charging process. EV chargers can be found in various locations, such as public charging stations, homes, and workplaces.
has super-classes
Device c

Functionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Function

Represents a specific type of procedure or routine that performs a particular task or computation. This class is not only applicable to abstract computations or algorithms, but also closely related to devices. In the context of devices, a FUNCTION signifies the specific functionality or set of operations that a device is designed to perform.
has sub-classes
Computation Function c, Device Function c, Optimization Function c

Identifierc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Identifier

A fundamental class representing a unique label or code assigned to an entity within a domain of interest. Identifiers serve as distinctive markers, allowing for unambiguous reference and identification of specific entities.

Market Mechanismc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/MarketMechanism

has super-classes
Optimization Function c
has members
bilateral ni, pool ni
is disjoint with
Business Model c, Objective Function c, Price Mechanism c

Measurementc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Measurement

Represents the measured value made over a property.
has super-classes
has sub-classes
Data Point c

Memberc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Member

A member within an energy community is an active participant who contributes to the community’s goals, activities, and decision-making processes. Members can include residents, businesses, local organizations, or other stakeholders.
has super-classes
Agent c
has sub-classes
Consumer c, Producer c, Prosumer c
is in domain of
energy Purchased op, has Contracted Power op, has Cost dp, has Saving dp
is in range of
energy Purchased op, energy Sold op

Meterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Meter

has super-classes
Device c
has sub-classes
DSO Smart Meter c, Private Meter c
is in domain of
energy Consumed op, has Cost dp, has Saving dp
is in range of
energy Consumed op

Objective Functionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/ObjectiveFunction

has super-classes
Optimization Function c
has members
arbitrage ni, self Consumption ni
is disjoint with
Business Model c, Market Mechanism c, Price Mechanism c

Occupancyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Occupancy

The "Occupancy" class represents the number of people or entities present within a specific location or space. This can be applied to buildings, rooms, or other areas within an energy community.
has super-classes
Property c
is disjoint with
Energy c, Power c, Price c, Temperature c

Optimization Functionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/OptimizationFunction

This class represents functionalities within the energy community that are specifically designed to optimize energy consumption, production, or overall system performance.
has super-classes
Function c
has sub-classes
Business Model c, Market Mechanism c, Objective Function c, Price Mechanism c

Powerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Power

A class representing the power output or consumption of an energy source or system. It can be used to track the rate at which energy is generated, consumed, or transferred.
has super-classes
Property c
is disjoint with
Energy c, Occupancy c, Price c, Temperature c

Pricec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Price

The "Price" class represents the cost or monetary value associated with a specific product, service, or transaction within an energy community.
has super-classes
Property c
is disjoint with
Energy c, Occupancy c, Power c, Temperature c

Price Mechanismc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/PriceMechanism

The system by which prices for energy are automatically determined within the energy community. It balances supply and demand through interactions between members, either through: - A central pool: Members buy and sell surplus energy at a market-driven price set by the pool. - Bilateral agreements: Members negotiate and agree on prices for direct energy transactions with each other.
has super-classes
Optimization Function c
is in domain of
has SDR Compensation dp
is disjoint with
Business Model c, Market Mechanism c, Objective Function c

Private Meterc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/PrivateMeter

An internal meter provides basic information about energy usage.
has super-classes
Meter c

Producerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Producer

has super-classes
Member c
is in domain of
energy Sold op
is in range of
energy Consumed op

Propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Property

A property represents a measurable characteristic or attribute of an entity within an energy community. Properties can be used to describe various aspects of buildings, devices, or systems, such as their location, energy consumption, or performance metrics.
has sub-classes
Energy c, Occupancy c, Power c, Price c, Temperature c

Prosumerc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Prosumer

has super-classes
Member c
is in domain of
energy Consumed op, energy Sold op
is in range of
energy Consumed op

PV Panelc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/PVPanel

A Photovoltaic Panel, is a device that converts sunlight into electricity
has super-classes
Device c
is in domain of
energy Generated op, has PV Power dp, has Shared PV dp, installed PV Power dp

Requestc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Request

Represents a request made from one service to another within a system

Sensorc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Sensor

A sensor is a device used to measure and record data related to one or more properties. Sensors can be installed in various locations, such as buildings, meters, or grid infrastructure.
has super-classes
Device c

Temperaturec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/Temperature

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. It is typically measured in degrees Celsius (°C), degrees Fahrenheit (°F), or kelvin (K).
has super-classes
Property c
is disjoint with
Energy c, Occupancy c, Power c, Price c

Time Seriesc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/TimeSeries

Collection of measurements taken at regular or irregular intervals over a specific period. Each measurement is associated with a specific point in time.
has super-classes
Data Point c

Wind Generatorc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/WindGenerator

A device that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Wind generators are typically equipped with blades that rotate in response to wind, driving a generator to produce electricity. They are a common renewable energy source, especially in areas with consistent wind patterns.
has super-classes
Device c
is in domain of
energy Generated op

Object Properties

energy Consumedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyConsumed

The total amount of energy that has been consumed by an entity (e.g., a household, a business).
has super-properties
top Object Property op
has domain
Consumer c or Meter c or Prosumer c
has range
Aggregator c or DSO c or Meter c or Producer c or Prosumer c

energy Generatedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyGenerated

Represents the energy generated by an entity within an energy community. This property links a producer (e.g., a solar panel system, a wind turbine) to the consumer or the grid where the energy was supplied.
has super-properties
top Object Property op
has domain
Battery c or PV Panel c or Wind Generator c

energy Purchasedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyPurchased

Represents the energy purchased by an entity within an energy community. This property links a consumer member of the community to the retailer or another community member from whom they purchased the energy.
has super-properties
top Object Property op
has domain
Member c
has range
Aggregator c or DSO c or Member c

energy Soldop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energySold

The total amount of energy sold to an external entity (e.g., the grid, another community member).
has super-properties
top Object Property op
has domain
Aggregator c or DSO c or Producer c or Prosumer c
has range
Member c

h as Objective Functionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasObjectiveFunction

has range
h as Objective Function op exactly 1 Objective Function c

has Business Modelop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasBusinessModel

has domain
Energy Community c

has Contracted Powerop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasContractedPower

Links an entity (e.g., a household, a business) to the contracted power capacity it has with its energy supplier. It indicates the maximum amount of power that the entity is allowed to consume within a specified time period.
has super-properties
top Object Property op
has domain
Contracted Power c
DSO Smart Meter c or Member c
has range
Contracted Power c

has Functionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasFunction

A relationship indicating a specific task or operation that the device is designed to perform.

has Identifierop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasIdentifier

Represents the relationship between an entity and its unique identifier(s) within the context of the domain. Entities may have one identifier that serve to uniquely distinguish them from other entities within the ontology.

has Measurementop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasMeasurement

A relationship between device and a measurement about it
has domain
has Measurement op exactly 1 Device c
has range
has Measurement op some Measurement c

Data Properties

charge Discharge Ratedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/chargeDischargeRate

A numerical value representing the power capacity of the storage asset relative to its energy capacity. A higher value indicates a faster charge/discharge rate.
has domain
Battery Storage c
has range

energy Chargeddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyCharged

The total amount of energy that has been charged into a battery or storage system.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery c
has range

energy Contentdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyContent

The current total energy stored within a battery or storage system.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery c
has range

energy Dischargeddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/energyDischarged

The total amount of energy that has been discharged from a battery or storage system.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery c
has range

has Charging Efficiencydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasChargingEfficiency

Charging efficiency refers to the ratio of the energy stored in a battery to the energy input during the charging process. It's a measure of how effectively the battery converts electrical energy into stored chemical energy.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery Storage c

has Costdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasCost

Cumulative cost associated with a specific meter ID or a member ID over a defined time period. Excluding the cost of battery degradation, this cost would primarily encompass operational and maintenance expenses.
has domain
Member c
Meter c
has range

has Discharging Efficiencydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasDischargingEfficiency

Discharging efficiency is the ratio of the energy delivered from a battery to the energy stored in the battery during discharge. It's a measure of how effectively the battery converts stored chemical energy back into electrical energy.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery Storage c

has Latitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasLatitude

Represents the latitude coordinate of a spatial entity in the WGS84 system. It's a decimal value that ranges from -90º S to +90º N.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Energy Community c
has range

has Longitudedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasLongitude

Represents the longitude coordinate of a spatial entity in the WGS84 system. It's a decimal value that ranges from --180º (W) to +180º (E).
has domain
Energy Community c
has range

has Minimum Membersdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasMinimumMembers

Minimum number of members of the community.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range
positive Integer

has Ownership Percentagedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasOwnershipPercentage

Represents the percentage ownership that the individual or entity associated with a specific meter ID will have over a newly shared meter. This property indicates the level of control and financial stake the owner will have in the shared meter.
has domain
Device c
has range

has PV Powerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasPVPower

Links an entity (e.g., a building, a location) to its installed photovoltaic (PV) power capacity. It represents the maximum amount of power that the PV system can generate under ideal conditions.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
PV Panel c
has range

has Radiusdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasRadius

Radius of the community in km.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range
positive Integer

has Savingdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasSaving

Cumulative savings associated with a specific meter ID or a member ID over a defined time period.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Member c or Meter c
has range

has SDR Compensationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasSDRCompensation

When thr Prece Mechanism is SRD it defines a compensation between 0.0 and 1.0 allowing the user to set an incentive for internal trades whenever the REC has a net surplus.
has domain
Price Mechanism c
has range

has Shared Batterydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasSharedBattery

True means that installations with shared batteries are possible in the Community.
has domain
Battery c
has range

has Shared PVdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasSharedPV

True means that installations with shared PV systems are possible in the Community.
has domain
PV Panel c
has range

has Storage Capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasStorageCapacity

Links an entity (e.g., a battery, a storage system) to its total energy storage capacity. It represents the maximum amount of energy that the storage system can store.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Battery c
has range

has Unitdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasUnit

A property that links an entity to a unit of measurement. This property is often used to specify the units associated with numerical values in data.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp

has Valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/hasValue

A property that links an entity to a specific value. This property is commonly used to represent the numerical or textual value associated with a measurement, quantity, or other attribute.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp

installed PV Powerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/installedPVPower

The total installed power capacity of photovoltaic (PV) panels within an energy community, measured in kilowatts (kW). This property represents the maximum power output that the PV panels can generate under ideal conditions.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Energy Community c or PV Panel c

installed Storage Capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/installedStorageCapacity

The total installed capacity of energy storage systems within an energy community, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This property represents the maximum amount of energy that the storage systems can store.
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Energy Community c

max New PV Powerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/maxNewPVPower

The maximum amount of new photovoltaic (PV) capacity to be installed, measured in kilowatts (kW). Must be non-negative.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range

max New Storage Capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/maxNewStorageCapacity

The maximum amount of new storage capacity to be installed, measured in kilowattsHour (kWh). Must be non-negative.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range

max State of Chargedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/maxStateOfCharge

The maximum allowed state-of-charge for the battery.
has domain
Battery Storage c
has range

min New PV Powerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/minNewPVPower

The minimum amount of new photovoltaic (PV) capacity to be installed, measured in kilowatts (kW). Must be non-negative.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range

min New Storage Capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/minNewStorageCapacity

The minimum amount of new storage capacity to be installed, measured in kilowattsHour (kWh). Must be non-negative.
has domain
Energy Community c
has range

min State of Chargedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/minStateOfCharge

The minimum allowed state-of-charge for the battery.
has domain
Battery Storage c
has range

solar Radiationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/solarRadiation

Represents the intensity of solar radiation at a specific location. It is typically measured in watts per square meter (W/m²).

total PV Powerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/totalPVPower

The total amount of power that all the photovoltaic (PV) systems within an energy community can generate under ideal conditions. This is typically measured in kilowatts.

total Storage Capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/totalStorageCapacity

The total amount of energy that a storage system within an energy community can store at a given time. This is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
has super-properties
top Data Property dp
has domain
Energy Community c

Annotation Properties

creatorap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator

preferred Namespace Prefixap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/preferredNamespacePrefix

Named Individuals

1.15 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp1.15kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

10.35 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp10.35kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

13.8 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp13.8kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

17.25 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp17.25kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

2.3 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp2.3kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

20.7 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp20.7kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

27.6 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp27.6kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

3.45 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp3.45kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

34.5 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp34.5kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

4.6 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp4.6kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

41.4 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp41.4kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

5.75 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp5.75kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

6.9 kWni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/cp6.9kW

belongs to
Contracted Power c

all Marketni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/allMarket

In the business model of the energy community, this means "all market" means that the allocation of energy is not possible and all energy is shared and bought.
belongs to
Business Model c

allocatedni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/allocated

In the business model of the energy community, this means that installations with shared assets directly allocate their energy to their owners
belongs to
Business Model c

arbitrageni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/arbitrage

Function for minimization of all community costs.
belongs to
Objective Function c

bilateralni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/bilateral

Direct agreements between individual members of the energy community to buy and sell energy at a price they negotiate themselves, independent of the pool price.
belongs to
Market Mechanism c

euro Per Kilowattni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/euroPerKilowatt

euro Per Kilowatt Hourni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/euroPerKilowattHour

mid Market Rateni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/midMarketRate

In the mid-market rate, the price is the average of the highest selling opportunity costs with the lowest buying opportunity costs among all installations negotiating at a certain time period.

poolni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/pool

A centralized marketplace within the energy community where members can buy and sell surplus energy at a market-determined price. The pool aggregates supply and demand, setting a single price for all transactions.
belongs to
Market Mechanism c

self Consumptionni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/selfConsumption

Function to maximize the self consumed energy in the community
belongs to
Objective Function c

watts Per Square Meterni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://www.semanticweb.inesctec.pt/ontologies/encom/wattsPerSquareMeter

A unit of measurement for power density or radiant flux, representing the amount of power per unit area. It is commonly used to measure the intensity of light, sound, or other forms of energy.

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals

References back to ToC

Add your references here. It is recommended to have them as a list.

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.